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Responsible marketing

To PepsiCo:
Responsible marketing is vital to our business, as it builds and preserves consumer trust in our brands. We are committed to marketing our products responsibly to all consumers and recognize the need for special guardrails around whether and how we market our products to children.
To the World:
Stakeholders in the public health community, including the World Health Organization, advocate for limiting children's exposure to food and beverage advertising and are concerned that young children may have difficulty differentiating between commercial and non-commercial content. Around the world, laws and regulations are being developed to limit the reach and appeal of marketing to children.
We believe children are a special kind of audience. When communicating about our products, we strive to take particular care to support the role of parents or others responsible for guiding children’s diet and lifestyle choices. Our marketers follow PepsiCo's Global Policy on Responsible Advertising and Marketing to Children, as well as any relevant industry pledge programs and all relevant laws and regulations within the countries in which we operate. We also restrict direct sales of certain products to schools.
In the event that there are conflicts between our global policy, pledge programs and/or relevant laws and regulations, we apply the strictest requirement.
PepsiCo's Global Policy on Responsible Advertising and Marketing to Children
When marketing our products, PepsiCo adheres to all relevant laws and regulations within the countries in which we operate. Additionally, our Global Policy on Responsible Advertising and Marketing to Children provides that:
- We do not advertise any products to children who are under the age of six, regardless of nutritional content; and
- We only advertise products to children under age 13 if they meet certain nutritional requirements.
This means that PepsiCo will not market on television programs when more than 30% of the audience is expected to be under the age of 13 unless the product meets certain nutritional requirements. Media covered under the policy includes TV, radio, print, cinema, online (including company-owned websites, third-party and social media), streaming services, DVD/CD-ROM, direct marketing, product placement, interactive games and in-game promotions, outdoor marketing, mobile and SMS marketing. The policy applies to both traditional (ads designed to stand out from the content they are viewed in) and native advertising (ads that appear similar to other material surrounding it such as news articles, product reviews or entertainment).
This policy is consistent with the International Food and Beverage Alliance (IFBA) Global Responsible Marketing Policy. Additionally, we have adopted the IFBA Common Nutrition Criteria when determining which products may be marketed to children that are older than six years and younger than 13 years. Consistent with the International Council of Beverages Associations (ICBA) Marketing to Children Guidelines, within our beverage portfolio, we will continue to only market plain water, fruit or vegetable juice and dairy-based beverages to children, so long as they are also compliant with the IFBA criteria.
We continue to enhance our policy to include additional restrictions and to adapt to a changing media environment and consumer expectations, most recently in 2022 to incorporate updated IFBA criteria. We previously adopted certain marketing restrictions within school environments and extended our policy to cover certain marketing communications primarily directed to children that use licensed characters (excluding company-owned, brand equity characters), celebrities (including influencers) and movie tie-ins.
In addition to our policies on responsible marketing to children, we also strive to market early-childhood products, including breast-milk substitutes, responsibly. For more information, see Breast-milk substitutes.
Global, regional and national pledge programs
PepsiCo’s global policy is based on the principles of the IFBA Global Responsible Marketing Policy and the ICBA Marketing to Children Guidelines. These joint policies set a common standard for how the major global food and beverage manufacturers market their products to children around the world. In addition, we have signed on to industry-led voluntary pledge programs that engage industry within a given market, including those that operate at the national or regional level.
Local pledge programs may go beyond IFBA and ICBA commitments and also often provide guidance for marketers on how the policies should be implemented within the local context.
Marketing to all consumers
In addition to our Global Policy on Responsible Advertising and Marketing to Children, our marketing practices and communications to all consumers are guided by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Code of Advertising and Marketing Communication Practice and the ICC Framework for Responsible Food and Beverage Communications. Together, the ICC Code and Framework help ensure our marketing:
- Accurately represents our products and does not mislead consumers about benefits of products;
- Shows proper serving and portion sizes, as well as proper consumption; and
- Takes special care when communicating with children so as to not create a sense of urgency, or inappropriate price minimization.
Additionally, PepsiCo’s media-buying and content policies are audience-centric, aiming to reach all consumers authentically, and are viewpoint neutral with respect to political or religious status or views.
Sales of our products to schools
In 2006, in the U.S., PepsiCo was proud to take a leadership role as the only company to sign voluntary agreements with the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to limit sales of both beverages and foods in K-12 schools. These agreements represented break-through steps to adopt a practical policy in the U.S. that provided a sensible solution for students, parents and educators. The beverage agreement led to the removal of full calorie soft drinks in all K-12 schools, the limiting of offerings to juice and water in elementary schools and the provision of lower calorie and smaller portion options for older students. The foods agreement introduced nutrition standards (e.g., limits on sugar, salt and fat) and limited portion sizes. These agreements also served as a precursor to the current “Smart Snacks” national nutrition standards for foods and beverages sold in schools.
Outside of the U.S., PepsiCo’s global policy for beverage sales in schools focuses on providing water, juice, milk and low-calorie beverages for students. It should be noted that because our policies alone cannot determine the actions of businesses outside our operational control, our products sometimes may be sold in schools by independent third parties who may not adhere to the same standards we set ourselves. We view our policy as an opportunity to engage our industry peers and local authorities in adopting similar policies. It will ultimately take a collaborative, industry-wide effort to ensure consistently more nutritious options in schools.
Around the world, each division and region within PepsiCo has a process for reviewing and approving marketing campaign materials to, among other things, drive compliance with our global policy and pledge programs. While these processes may vary, they all typically require cross-functional review, consultation and approval prior to the release of any content. This review is aimed at ensuring our campaigns are in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, clear and truthful, not misleading, in line with our values and Global Code of Conduct and appropriately handle sensitive topics.
PepsiCo monitors and reports compliance with our global policy through IFBA’s compliance reviews. The most recent audit in 2022, conducted by Ebiquity, found PepsiCo to be 100% compliant in the digital space and in TV daytime spots (6 a.m. - 9 p.m.) with at least one gross rating point (GRP).1,2 Our TV advertising was found to be 90% compliant with our policy across all time spots including late night.
Additionally, many of our local pledge programs conduct their own audits. For example, consistently throughout the years, and including the most recent reporting period of 2022, we were compliant with our pledge in the U.S., as verified by the Children’s Food & Beverage Advertising Initiative.
In 2023 (the most recent year of evaluation), as part of the EU Pledge monitoring program, the European Advertising Standards Alliance evaluated companies' compliance with the EU Pledge commitments across digital media3 in France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain. This evaluation found that 100% of PepsiCo websites and social media pages were compliant, in addition to 100% of PepsiCo brand-affiliated influencer profiles. Instances of non-compliance within influencer profiles were not the result of influencers inappropriately appealing to children over 13 years old, but rather from a failure by the influencers to clearly identify the content as advertising. A similar 2023 assessment by Ebiquity of TV advertising found that PepsiCo was approximately 99% compliant with our pledge commitments, over all times of day, and 100% compliant for daytime spots with at least one GRP.4
What's next?
As social media continues to evolve, we are striving to update the ways in which we market our products while maintaining our responsible marketing practices. We face new challenges in applying our policy to emerging application technology and the availability of audience data. We are engaging with partners and external organizations, such as advertising agencies, media vendors and organizations like the World Federation of Advertisers, to understand the continuously-evolving marketing landscape and adapt accordingly. We have also been rolling out training programs so marketers understand the implications of applying our policy to the digital space and discuss with them how new technologies might help us to adapt our policies going forward.
We remain committed to ensuring more nutritious options are provided in schools and will continue to work with our third party distributors and peer companies to advocate toward this goal.
1Markets assessed were Colombia, India, Japan, New Zealand and South Africa (TV only) and Mexico (digital only)
2A Gross Rating Point is a way to measure the impact of an advertising campaign, to help advertisers understand how many people have seen their ads and how often. It measures both the reach (percentage of the target audience that has seen the ad at least once) and frequency (the average number of times the ad has been seen by those people)
3Digital media includes company-owned websites, company-managed social media and company-recognized influencers
4Assessed markets were France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania and Spain
Related topics
Breast-milk substitutes, Ethics and integrity, Nutrition, Product labeling
Last updated
January 13, 2025